How long will my building project take?

How long will my building project take?

Professor Christopher Platt
12th June 2020

Glasgow architect explains how long will your project take

A modest house extension takes about a year to realise from commissioning an architect to the final occupation of the completed project. A new build family home can take around twice that time.

Your project may require both planning and building control permission and it is these processes as well as the designing, cost estimating and construction phase that contribute to the overall timescale.

In our experience anything worth doing well takes time. You are undertaking a bespoke project and although this seems like a long time, it will means that you will end up with a space specially tailored to how you want to live.



Bespoke extension window seat
Model making architect, Glasgow

Photographs: Top and bottom right by Reuben Paris for Studio KAP, bottom left by Keith Hunter for Studio KAP

Helen Campbellglasgow